PLR, MRR, and RR Explained

PLR, MRR, and RR Explained

PLR, MRR, and RR Explained

You’ve probably heard of PLR, MRR, and RR but aren’t quite sure what they mean. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In the digital marketplace, these terms can be confusing. Let’s break them down together so you’ll know exactly what you’re dealing with.

By the end of this article, you’ll understand each one clearly and be able to determine which is best for your online business needs. Dive in – it’s easier than you think!

RR – Resell Rights

When it comes to RR, or Resell Rights, you’re allowed to sell the product but can’t alter it or pass the selling rights onto others. This restriction might seem limiting at first, but there’s still plenty of room for profit.

You buy a product with RR designation and then resell that product to an end-user who wants it for personal use. It’s as simple as that.

However, before diving in headfirst into the world of RR products, keep in mind that you don’t own copyright to these items. What does this entail? It means you can’t claim authorship or make any changes to the original work. Every stroke of text and every pixel is frozen in its initial form under your stewardship.

Despite these restrictions, don’t underestimate the potential revenue tied up in RR products. For many online entrepreneurs like yourself, they serve as a valuable asset in an overall business strategy. All you need is a keen eye for popular products and an understanding of what your target audience desires.

Remember though, while RR allows you to sell on-demand without creating something from scratch; it doesn’t allow resale rights transfer. Your customers cannot turn around and resell what they bought from you – those rights remain exclusively yours.

In essence, think of RR as a limited yet potentially lucrative avenue towards profit-making – one where your role revolves around selecting appealing products and marketing them effectively within your network without altering content or transferring reselling rights.

MRR – Master Resell Rights

You’re able to sell the product and its resell rights with a master resell rights license, but remember, you can’t change the product or claim it as your own. This is what sets MRR apart from RR products. With MRR, you’re not just selling a product to an end user – you’re also empowering that customer to become a reseller themselves.

Think of yourself as the distributor in this scenario. You’ve got a hot item on your hands and while you don’t own the copyright, you’ve got those coveted ‘Master Rights’. This means that although you can’t modify or alter the original product, you can certainly make a profit by selling it on, even allowing others to do the same.

But there’s more! In some cases, depending on the specific license agreement, you might be allowed to apply for private label ownership in addition to those original copyrights. It’s all about understanding what’s permitted under your particular MRR agreement.

Here’s where it gets interesting though: While you have these Master Resell Rights that let you pass on resell rights to your customers, they only receive ‘resell rights’. They are only eligible to sell personal/read-only rights. They aren’t given source files for editing purposes on the product. However, they can further distribute and resell the digital product and the privilege (‘right’) like you can.

In essence then with MRR licensing – it’s all about passing along the right of resale but also controlling how far down that chain the actual product editing goes. And as holder of these master resell rights – that control lies firmly in your hands.

PLR – Private Label Rights

plr mrr rr explained

In comparison to other licenses, private label rights offer the most freedom as you’re able to ‘own’ the entire product and individual copyright. Essentially, a PLR product is yours to manipulate as if it were your original creation. You can slap your name on it, add comments, rewrite parts or even convert an eBook into an audio file. The possibilities are vast and varied.

Your entrepreneurial spirit isn’t limited when dealing with PLR products. Once you significantly modify a PLR offering, it essentially transforms into a new entity — one that you can rightfully claim copyright ownership over. However, remember to always read the fine print before purchasing any online resale products.

Often utilized by savvy online marketers, PLR content comes in various forms such as eBooks, articles, software or audios. Its versatility allows for maximum profit generation through direct use or reselling under your brand name.

Understanding exactly what you’re buying is crucial in this realm of digital commerce. Product creators might have their unique definitions of what they’re selling so ensure that their terms align with your marketing goals.

PLR licenses provide a golden opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs looking to break into the lucrative world of online marketing without starting from scratch. With these licenses at hand, you’ve got everything needed to rebrand and sell high-quality products under your banner.

In essence, Private Label Rights grant the ultimate freedom in terms of product customization and usage – making them arguably the best type of license available in today’s digital market landscape.

Which is Best?

Deciding which license is best for you ultimately depends on your specific needs and goals. In the realm of pre-made content, Private Label Rights (PLR), Resell Rights (RR), and Master Resell Rights (MRR) each offer unique advantages that can be exploited to achieve your desired outcomes.

Before making a choice, it’s necessary to evaluate what exactly you want from the content. Are you looking for something to repurpose and make entirely your own? Then PLR might be right up your alley. With this license, you’re free to edit and modify the content as extensively as you like.

Perhaps, however, you’re more interested in software or apps that are ready-to-use straight out of the box. That’s where RR or MRR come into play. With these licenses, the need for extensive modification is reduced while still providing an opportunity for profit through reselling.

Consider these three key factors when choosing a license:

  1. Modification Needs: If significant changes are required, PLR is likely most suitable.
  2. Resale Goals: For straightforward selling without altering much – go for RR or MRR.
  3. Type of Content: Generally speaking, articles and graphics lean towards PLR while software tends toward RR/MRR.

Remember – there isn’t a universally ‘best’ option; only what’s optimal based on your specific objectives. Whether it’s editing ebooks under PLR or rolling out ready-made apps with MRR – it all boils down to aligning your business strategy with the appropriate licensing model.

This strategic alignment paves the way towards maximizing profits and achieving success in your entrepreneurial journey.


You’ve got the lowdown on RR, MRR, and PLR now. It’s all about what suits your business needs best.

Whether it’s reselling products with RR, enjoying more control with MRR, or customizing content with PLR – you decide!

Remember to always stay within copyright laws whilst maximizing your profits and expanding your business.

Keep exploring for the perfect fit for your online venture!

The MRR Business Authority Team

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